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16 Nov. 2017

むすめと超福祉展に行ってみた/Super Welfare Expo report with my daughter

編集長 / プロデューサー

超福祉展 6日目の日曜日、むすめ(5歳)を連れていくことにした。
I decided to take my daughter, 5 years old, to Super Welfare Expo at Shibuya last Sunday.

The Expo had a lot of programs in some venues. We visited SHIBUYA CAST at first. There was an exhibition regarding a braille newspaper by Mainichi Newspaper and “human library“.

In front of the braille newspaper, she stood in stunned silence. Recommended to touch it, she did so.. I said, “Close your eyes and touch not with your hand but your finger. Try to read from left to right.” “Mom, I think that this is for blindness. I can read nothing. Blind people have a special ability.”

We found the board game that was named “Megatech”.  She began to play immediately. It looked very difficult to fill up the holes one by one.

Next one was “human library”. We listened to a story of a young woman who is a survivor of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I think my daughter couldn’t understand it all, because there were some unfamiliar words in her story. However, my daughter listened closely and asked a question. “How could you escape and survive at that time?” The young woman answered, “I escaped holding hands  with my friends from a building after the earthquake had stopped.”

When we left the venue, she said “I wanna listen to someone’s story about sign language next time.” 
So, we would like to visit again.

Afetr SHIBUYA CAST, we went to Shibuya Hikarie where will be held an exhibition regarding research , technology and products. At the very beginning, a young man wearing an artificial arm spoke to my daughter and explained what he can do with an artificial arm. Since she saw it for the first time in her life, she felt afraid and hid herself behind me. So she couldn’t shake hands with him. Let’s try it again next year.

まず、むすめが手にとったのはOTON GLASSという、文字を読めない人の代わりに文字を読み上げてくれるウェアラブルデバイス。説明を聞いてから、壁に書かれた文字の方を見ると、少し遅れて音声が流れる。「おお、いま、あそこをよんでますよね?」とむすめもテクノロジーの凄さを実感しながらスタッフとおしゃべり。
She pulled herself together and tried OTON GLASS that is a wearable device for people who can’t read words nor sentences (e.g. dyslexia, amblyopia, alien..e.t.c…). She could understand what she can do with it, felt the convenience and noticed something important. “Mom, I don’t need to study Kanji nor English if I had this!”

OTON GLASSのすぐ隣に展示されていた&HANDの展示。ヘルプサインを出すときに使う、3Dプリンタで作られたツールの可愛さに心を奪われるむすめ。カード型、腕輪型、淡い色のスケルトン型、たまご型、杖の頭につける筒型などを順繰りに手に取って観察し、特にたまご型が気に行ったようで、ずっと握っては嬉しそうにしていた。むすめを見ていて、プロトタイプひとつとっても、サイズや形を工夫すればこどもにも使いやすくなるのだろうと感じる。
There were many prototypes of a switch for asking for help by &HAND. She talked with a developer the way and situation to use it. She could touch many kinds of prototypes and liked the Egg type. I felt a cute and small one is better for kids.

She turned her attention to the direction of a sound, she found something to play like a musical instrument. Musiarm is an artificial arm that can play music. When she goes to art exhibitions, she can hardly touch pictures and products. So, Super Welfare Expo was special for her.

これは、Touch the sound picnicという音を振動に変えるデバイス。音の抑揚も振動で表現されるので、いろんな声を出して遊んだ。
Touch the sound picnic is a device that can translate sound into vibration. If she spoke loudly, the vibration was big. If she whispered, she hardly felt anything.

This woman performed a tap dance with sign language on the stage. After the performance, my daughter went to greet her. She taught us how to say my daughter’s name in sign language. A day after that she talked with her friends in sign language at nursery school.

The purpose of developing products and ideas are for overcoming difficulties or obstacles, but everything can be attractive toys for my daughter. After seeing her happy smiling face, I gave up trying to explain the difficult details.

取材・文: 半澤絵里奈
Reporting and Statement: elinahanzawa


