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3 Jun. 2016

連載『シルクロードに恋をして』 第1回 サヨナラ、とんかつ / “Fell in love with the Silk Road” Vol.1 Good-bye, breaded pork cutlet!!

編集長 / プロデューサー

その女性の名は、カオリ。日本で生まれ育ち、日本で証券会社の仕事に就いたのち、惚れ込んでいたシルクロードの旅へ。ほどなくして彼女は、中央アジア キルギス共和国に暮らすウズベク人の男性と結婚。現在は家族5人、日本で暮らしています。カオリが、イスラム教徒として生活するなかで日本人として見えたもの、食事や生活について宗教上のルールが存在することでどんなことが起きているのか、リアルな生活をお伝えしていきます。



”Fell in love with the Silk Road” is a series of the story about one Japanese woman. Her name is Kaori. 8 years ago, she decided to live as a Muslim with her husband who is Uzbek. She was born and raised in Japan. After graduating university, she worked at an investment banking company in Japan. The turning point in her life suddenly came. She had been interested in the Silk Road for a long time, so she went on a trip to Kyrgyz. And then, she met her husband there. She and he got married and live with their children in Japan.I’ll introduce her experiences and life as a Muslim in this series.This is a very rare case in Japan and perhaps you can understand about Muslims and Kyrgyz.

*This article is based on personal thoughts and experiences. Thank you.

“Fell in love with the Silk Road” 

第1回 サヨナラ、とんかつ
Vol.1 Good-bye, breaded pork cutlet!!

 カオリ、24 歳。結婚が決まった。そしてそれは、彼女においてはイスラム教徒になることを意味していた(結婚と信仰についてはいくつかのパターンに基づくルールがあると考えられている)。良く知られていることだが、イスラム教徒は聖典コーランに基づき、豚を食用とはしない。しかし、日本では豚肉は食用として多用され、美味しい料理も多い。例えば、とんかつ。揚げたてを箸で持ち上げガブリと頬張ると、中からじゅわーっと肉汁が出てくる。白飯やキャベツとの相性もよく、元気の出るスタミナ食として日本人に深く愛されている逸品だ。


Kaori, when she was 24 years old, decided to get married. That meant she would be a Muslim in her case. It is well known that Muslims don’t eat pork based on the Koran’s teachings. However people in Japan love to eat it and they have a lot of ways to cook it. For example, “Breaded pork cutlet” is one of them. It is very juicy and famous as a fortifying food. She loved it, too.

In Kyrgyz, there is almost no concept between friends and a married couple. So, when her husband talked to his parents about a girl whom he loved, their marriage was already decided! They had not been dating at all. And, she didn’t have time to say good-bye to her several Japanese customs (one of them was to eat breaded pork cutlet for the last time in her life).








Besides that, there are rules about food in the Koran.

Drinking alcohol is basically prohibited. But they are different regionally and depend on how people interpret the rule of drinking. I’d like to introduce two cases. One is a custom of the former Soviet Union: people drink Vodka to warm their bodies. Another is that wine is women’s favorite drink in the central area of Kyrgyz.

And now, I should talk about the lifestyle of Muslims in Japan.

They have several problems about foods.

A lot of food companies have recently started taking an active part in promoting halal certification. But there are not enough companies to supply them. When they choose food products in supermarkets, they pay attention to the supplement facts especially about animal oils and fats. They are frequently used as an ingredient. For example, breads, jelly and solid curry roux.

When Muslims find some products without animal oils and fats, they share its information with their families and friends immediately by social media. And they don’t buy processed foods so much.







One of the biggest problems for Muslims is school meals in Japan.

Almost all of them make lunch boxes for their children every day, because it is so difficult to avoid eating taboos. The population of Muslims is increasing in Japan. But it has not even reached that level yet to change the system of providing Muslim children with halal lunch.

Kaori does it, too. She has three lovely boys. A few years later, her boys will enter elementary school. However, she cannot think about their lunch meals. She is not only their mother but also an office worker. It is beyond my imagination that she will make their halal lunch boxes early every morning…

She said, “This is a very difficult subject for us, because someone who is allergic to eggs, eating eggs is a major life-threatening problem. But even if my boys eat meats or foods with animal oils and fats, there is no danger. It is just a religious problem. So I cannot have my own way.”

She and her husband study each other’s customs well and they always look for the best way for their lives. It is true that Islam is a very strict religion. However Muslims are flexible.

I hope every student to enjoy having the same school meals together in a classroom someday.






See you next time!!

The next theme is Wedding party in Kyrgyz.


 <プロフィール> カオリ


<Profile> KAORI

She was born and raised in Japan. After graduating university, she worked at an investment banking company in Japan. She had been interested in the Silk Road for a long time, so she went on a trip to Kyrgyz. And then, she met her husband there. She and he got married and live with their children in Japan.

取材・文: 半澤絵里奈
Reporting and Statement: elinahanzawa


